Collège du Parc

An English theatre play in our school – Article by the 5e4

 An English play in our school

On Friday, we saw a play in English. Here is what it was about and our opinion about it!

This English theatre group was called « The Bear Educationnal theatre ». (Pierre)

The theatre play I saw was very funny. The story was an alien who arrived on earth with a flying saucer. He wanted to find members of his family. (Corentin)

It was the story of an alien who arrived in a school, and two agents chased him. (Léa R)

There were two agents who checked if we were aliens. (Lucie)

I saw a theatre play which tells the story of an alien which arrives on earth, but secret agents want to kill it. (Mélanie)


During the show, I appreciated that the actors made the public participate. (Corentin)

I liked the actors because they played well and they asked the audience to come onto the stage. (Mélanie)

I liked to be on stage because I found it funny to take part in the scene. (Ines)

I smiled sometimes. ( Pierre)

In this show, I liked the actors because they were very funny and interesting. (Eva)

I loved this show because there was a lot of suspense and humor. ( Marie)


I loved the show. It was funny and interesting. ( Léonie)

I liked the story because it was not boring. (Nathan)

I didn’t like the story because I think it was for a young public. (Corentin)

I liked this show because the story was easy to understand and the vocabulary too. (Eva)

I think it was a good story but it’s not the reality : nobody ever saw extraterrestrials on our planet! (Nathan)

I think this show was really funny. The actors were funny and played well their roles. The story was well presented and I understood many things. (Gabriel)

I think this show was interesting because it was in English. (Mélanie)

The actors were very funny and the story too. (Lucie)

This show was great. It was fun and well done, and I liked the fact that they chose people in the audience to continue the story. (Léa R)

The interraction with the pupils was funny. (Carl)

We understood easily. (Léa S)

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